Programmer by day, BumRaper by night. Working on a lot of things, mostly Devil Trigger: Uprising. OH and DON'T watch any of my flash' below 2012. They are all shit, and this is not sarcasm.

Ville Valo @PlatformSource

Age 32, Male

Riverview, New Brunswick.

Joined on 8/11/05

Exp Points:
1,655 / 1,880
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Vote Power:
5.48 votes
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PlatformSource's News

Posted by PlatformSource - December 17th, 2011

This is my game, Worked on it for months.
I will have a playable demo sometime in 2 weeks.

follow my twitter
@ DylanSmithCole

Devil Trigger Uprising

Posted by PlatformSource - December 12th, 2011

FOLLOW ME.. or don't.
Actually I don't care.

Posted by PlatformSource - March 27th, 2010

was deleted... shit.
Working on a new game though <3

Posted by PlatformSource - January 4th, 2010

Im back after a year of practicing with flash.
i have yet to bestow my works of 2010 on the good people of newgrounds.

heres an example from the game ive been working on sense august.

title: The legend of the newgrounder.

NOTE: the newgrounds sign was redesigned, aswell as other things. this is an old screen.


Posted by PlatformSource - July 5th, 2009

hey, me and carbon have been trying to make games together for awhile, we could never come up with anything original until now, the epsilon project.

basically the view is like zelda, your a soldier in a war fighting enemies with gun power ups and all that.

the carbon server will be connected to all our flashes from now on. this will be used as a download center for flash games, and downloadable content that our flashes will load, from your computer.

example would be something like C:/program files/Epsilon project

setup files or RAR files will be set up on the server!

also im looking into online play, so that might be a possibility aswell!

animation:Carbon Animations
Programmer : VGMP

Later guys!

Posted by PlatformSource - June 23rd, 2009

i failed everyclass!

only cuz i didint submit assignments, and like, now i cant graduate with my very best friend in the world, and me and her, cant be in the same grad year?!

awe this sucks, hopefully my lies and trickery will get me to grade 11

Posted by PlatformSource - March 11th, 2009

hey guys, just wanted to let you know, me and mah pal is making an awesome game, our best works so far, and i meen like nothing weve ever done before, so yeah, you can just wait for this game to come out, in the meen time look at my picture!

2 player hack'n/slash game with EMM ( carbonanimations )

Posted by PlatformSource - March 4th, 2009

yay all healed :3

looool my foot is broken NO MOAR

Posted by PlatformSource - February 1st, 2009

leave a comment!

also broke my foot ahaha

Posted by PlatformSource - December 19th, 2008
