Programmer by day, BumRaper by night. Working on a lot of things, mostly Devil Trigger: Uprising. OH and DON'T watch any of my flash' below 2012. They are all shit, and this is not sarcasm.

Ville Valo @PlatformSource

Age 32, Male

Riverview, New Brunswick.

Joined on 8/11/05

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PlatformSource's News

Posted by PlatformSource - November 6th, 2008

holy crap this is funny, sad and depressing lolol.
my littlest brother( jacob ) was mouthing off to me, hes so annoying when he does that i must say, was so annoying that i held him down so he couldent move lol, and i was like stop man your pissing me off, so i said fine then, i called my other brother ( zack ) over and i said sit on his head, now my brother zack is kind of a joker, you would have to know him to get what i meen, but he took it litteraly and pulled his pants down, and sat on jacobs head ( not his face lolol ) and farted, i let jacob go as soon as his shorts dropped, well he pulled them down a little, not all the way lolol. and then i was like oh crap. then my mom could smell crap from jacobs head when she got home, thus here i am, grounded from my computer forever she sais, possibly because of that and my grades?

so yeah, she lets me check my mail so thats why im on now, she took my monitor, so she lets me use her or my brother zacks laptop.

anyways lol thats all, see you guys later XD

Posted by PlatformSource - September 29th, 2008

hey there all! vgmp here =)
super mario karma poped into my small head awhile back when i was thinking of killing goombas.

and now it came to this

super mario karma 1 and 2 are on newgrounds at the moment

3 and 4 will follow up a story and the prologue ( karma 5 ) will show what happens before karma 1. be sure to check this awesomeness out! and thanks for the scores people and thanks for the mail! you people inspire me sometimes =)

Posted by PlatformSource - September 13th, 2008

tehehe! im on skuks ps triple apparently XD

Posted by PlatformSource - August 1st, 2008

hack n' slash is a game that me and a buddy of mine on ng are working on... in this game you play as a stick figure the same way fancy pance is drawn, except not the pants.. and you have a sword and you hack n slash your way to victory you kill enemies unlock masks and suits, highscore board and possibly online play.. ( we are not sure of online play entirely yet )

we are still making the blue prints, we have all the masks designed ... heres a tip though... to unlock the masks you must reach certain scores...

and for the biggest unlockable you can design your own mask and shirt and pants...

this game will be released hopefully by the end of summer.

Posted by PlatformSource - July 19th, 2008

Welcome to Newgrounds is a little game im putting together. in this game you can compete for highscore, arcade, combo attack and much more. i using the official ng graphics, and bitmaps from ng to, so it will feel like you are actually on newgrounds.

right now i was tracing a bitmap and trace bitmap is gay sometimes... so it froze... and now i need to restart, on the plus side... i wasent that far because i just started lol

Posted by PlatformSource - May 11th, 2008

hey there, ive noticed my last view submissions were turning out horrid, and the reason behind this is because im limited to like no time and sence i dont have a job anymore im running out of a supply of 2l bottles of big 8 ( cokacola except cheaper and better ) thus making me real lazy and with out it im going to suck no doubt. i have 4l on me now and ive ben working hard on my new zelda movie which should be as long as the real legend and NO IM NOT COPIENG IT, i have granfaloon on my msn so he would yell at me lol, but from what ive done so far it looks epic, i shall be putting screens on soon.

Posted by PlatformSource - April 4th, 2008

ive come up with a new drawing style and u can check it out at my zelda movie :),

im tired :(

Posted by PlatformSource - December 14th, 2007



Posted by PlatformSource - August 23rd, 2007

the colab project is now over, me nouradin and poison mushrooms will be the only ones in it, the final product will be released sometime soon,

in other news my website has been updated with new banners and images thanks to nouradin, hes a perfect designer and very good at making games! :)

web designs