hey, me and carbon have been trying to make games together for awhile, we could never come up with anything original until now, the epsilon project.
basically the view is like zelda, your a soldier in a war fighting enemies with gun power ups and all that.
the carbon server will be connected to all our flashes from now on. this will be used as a download center for flash games, and downloadable content that our flashes will load, from your computer.
example would be something like C:/program files/Epsilon project
setup files or RAR files will be set up on the server!
also im looking into online play, so that might be a possibility aswell!
animation:Carbon Animations
Programmer : VGMP
Later guys!
cool story, bro
haha, the player is a soldier who was trained for war sense the time he was born, once there assignment was complete, there were to be killed, but one doesnt want to, and so you fight off soldiers to servive